Dan O'Connor is coming back to Anchorage!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Power Diversity is Bringing Dan O'Connor Back to Anchorage!

RETURN TO ANCHORAGE with all-new training courses:

-Energy Vampire Slaying 101
-Tactical Communication: Finding the Words
-Step Out of the Shadows
-Train Excel to Read Your Mind
-Advanced time-saving Excel Tips and Tricks

Do you struggle dealing with difficult behavior, negative attitudes, toxic communication, and conflicting personality types?

Do you struggle getting the thoughts in your brain out of your mouth in a way that gets the results you want?

Do you "fiddle" with your computer trying to get it to work with you, when you could be focusing on more important things?

Would you like to learn how to easily customize your Excel screen so it seems to work magic for you and your entire team?

FREE TIP: Never attend a seminar where the seminar company hides the identity of the speaker. The speaker is the most critical component in training, and if the trainer's identity is not disclosed, there's a reason.

In this powerful week of training, Power Diversity brings you the best: